Saturday, December 1, 2007

Wii Fit Hits Japan

Posted by Takahashi @ 6:30 pm


Yes Wii Fit is finally out in Japan and early indicators show that the public there are eating it up.

Okay, I’m done for the day.I did these exercises:

Body Building:
Sit ups - which aren’t like I was used to back in school, you rase your legs and your upper body and meet at the middle, I did pretty well, but towards the end I could really feel the burn in my stomach

Push ups - again, it’s not just straight push-ups, first they teach you the proper form, (which I didn’t know) and they put in these side arm stands in after every push up, alternating left and right. This exercise really got me, it was tough. My arms feel heavy after doing it.

Twisting excersize - spin your body left and right without moving your legs, then do it while bending over. this was easy, but they try to focus more on your balance and rhythm, which…wasn’t so easy lol.

Lunges - This was tough also, you put yourself in a front stance, then bend your back knee down and then raise it up, basic level was 10 reps per leg, this was tough.

Walking something or other - You stand in place and then extend your arm and leg to kind of simulate walking\skating, never heard of it before, was kinda easy to do. Another one where they focus on rhythm and balance.


Hero stance - Kinda like a light version of the lunge, Yoga isn’t that stressfull so it was kind of a nice way to calm down. This was part of my leg training they had me set for the day.


Skiing - This is hard, but fun.

Soccer - HARD ARGGG, I think most people will suck hardcore when they play this for the first time. It’s hard getting used to the BB.

Ski Jump - Easy, super fun.

Monkey ball - Starts out easy, gets super hard, but never feels “too” hard.

Tight rope - I fell :( You have to walk forward by shifting your balance left and right. It was kinda tough. (unlockable)


Hula hoop: This is the game that will make you look the most ridiculous. So for people who are embarassed by pelvic thrusts, do not try this game.

Jogging: It’s kinda weird seeing Hitler wave back at you while you are on a nice afternoon Jog.

Dancing: Awwww yeah, fun as hell.

That’s all I’m playing for now, gotta go get lunch.

A forum poster at NeoGAF shows the long lines that awaited him on launch day:


Another Neogaf poster unpacking here:




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