Wednesday, December 5, 2007

President Bush Receives Surprise Phone Call From Daughter

by Chris Georg
President Bush Receives Surprise Phone Call From Daughter
Daughter of US President George Bush, Jenna Bush, stopped by Ellen DeGeneres’ show on Wednesday to promote her book "Ana’s Story: A Journey of Hope," and also surprised her parents with a phone call she made while still on the set.

The 26-year-old writer and schoolteacher found no difficulties in calling her dad although she did admit that it might get her in trouble.

"I usually call him in the evening or in the morning, when I know they'll both be at home," Jenna said.

"Could you just pick up the phone like right now and call him?" Ellen asked her.

"Sure," Jenna replied. "He’s going to kill me, though."

As Jenna inconspicuously dialed so as not to reveal the private number, she said, "I’m not going to get anything I asked for for Christmas."

She can be first heard as she talks to her mother, Laura Bush, before telling her father "This is the Ellen Degeneres Show."

As the conversation carries on, President Bush and Ellen exchange several lines as she explains him how Jenna ended up calling him.

"All right, well, we just wanted to say Merry Christmas, and we thought you'd want to say Merry Christmas to our audience," Ellen prepared to wrap up the conversation.

"I do want to say Merry Christmas to your audience, and I want to tell my little girl I love her," President Bush replied, while his daughter said, "I love you too, Dad."

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