Monday, December 10, 2007

Top Video : More on Lips and Ears

  • Lips and Ears: 11/30

    Courtney Friel exposes the love lives of Jessica Simpson and Heath Ledger and Obama's secret weapon
  • Lips and Ears: 11/16

    Courtney Friel has scoop on Lindsay Lohan, Hillary's habits and Paris' painkiller
  • Lips and Ears: 11/2

    The latest on Britney's new CD and the weed 'The Governator' iswhacking
  • Lips & Ears: 10/19

    Lips and Ears uncovers Simpson's booty call and Buck sounds offon the Anna Nicole drama
  • Leave Chrissy Alone!

    Courtney Friel reveals why Britney's No. 1 fan is being sued for 1 million bucks
  • Britney's Friend Speaks

    Pop tart's close confidant reveals if Britney is fit for motherhood
  • Lips & Ears: 10/05

    Lips & Ears exposes Britney's addictions and Clooney's courtship. Plus, Buck kicks Paris in the can-can!
  • Lips & Ears: 9/28

    Courtney Friel has the exclusive on Angelina's ex-secret lover, the match between Kid Rock and Tommy Lee and YouTube's 'Buck' is back!
  • Lips & Ears: 9/27

    Courtney Friel has a heart-to-heart with controversial singer Ari Gold.


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